"I imagine most who have entertained these ideas had no idea how radical some of the essential underlying concepts are. I could not make this stuff up. He rightfully states that the whole body of his work depends on the points 6 and 7 to be valid."
regardless of personal beliefs, the evidence that Iodine was once available in much larger doses is undeniable. every living creature i have seen exposed to Iodine just lights up in its presence and seeks it like a man does water after three days in the desert. from ants to turtles to dogs and cats and birds - everything seeks iodine. it is biological gold. evolution or not, it doesnt matter. the very fact that there is a mechanism to stop unlimited uptake of Iodine into the thyroid is the biggest clue. why the function if the opportunity were not afforded in the environment? public school will definitely prevent one from making this connection, if fluoride and mercury doesnt do the job first.