My suggestion (based on personal experience) is to do a combination. I have found that pantothenic acid (Vit. B5) made a HUGE difference. According to the Truth in Medicine forum here on CZ, pantothenic acid is the most important nutrient for the adrenals and Vit. C is the second. But, one of the layers or sections of the adrenals runs on minerals. Stinging nettles provide bioavailable minerals for the adrenals. My approach is pantothenic acid, Vit. C and nettles. You need to make a cold infusion using nettles. Take a pint jar like a canning jar. Put roughly an inch of dried nettles in the bottom. Then pour boiling water over the nettles until the jar is filled. Put the lid on and allow it to sit on your kitchen counter over night. In the morning, strain and drink. You will be surprised how thrilled your adrenals will be!