I just wanted to chime in. Yes, I know this a year old.
I tried NUCCA for the first time 4 weeks ago. I had never heard of it before, but I was recommended it by a friend.
In less than a week, it did more than 15 years of chiropractic adjustments did. And it did things I didn't expect as well.
The first thing people should know is that it is NOT chiropractic! It is very very different, and effective in
Unlike normal My NUCCA practioner promised a permanent fix to my back problems after 6 months. After that... maybe a yearly checkup to make sure no further damage is caused, but that's it!
You can find a doctor by searching on the link below.
I highly recommend it. I didn't try it for an entire year and then I tried it because my chiropractor was on vacation for 2 weeks. Big mistake! I should have tried it months before.
Anyway, here you go. Hope this helps someone, NUCCA can make a huge impact on your life. It did mine and my body is only starting to heal some of that damage now.