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Re: Mange, cats, what to do
bluepetunia Views: 18,475
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Re: Mange, cats, what to do

Hi HC,

HC: Bluepetunia, did you get any symptoms yourself? I thought I had ringworm but come to find out if the mites get on humans they can make an itchy circular mark but they cannot survive very long. She said 3 days but I swear I was fighting that itchy circle for 2 weeks.

Bluepet: Yes, I did have symptoms. My cat slept in our bed and in the morning my skin was alive with itching points and welts on my face. I had mange (although it does not last in humans more than 3 weeks). I wasn't waiting 3 weeks. I took Ivermectin (Stromectol) the next day and the itching stopped within 10 minutes. So I knew it would work for the cats.

Yes Revolution is related to Ivermectin I think. Anyhow, I had read it would do something over time but the Iver knocked them out in me right away and in the cats (vet gave them a shot) within 24 hours.

The thing is since it had not been a long time since the cats had it they did not have scabs or welts and my point was if you cat is scratching his/her head and it isn/t ear mites then get the vet to give them a shot of Iver right way. I is really fast. They had already had Revolution a few days before but it had not fully kicked in in 3 days. The Ivermectin stops the whole thing.

Happily I'm better, the cats are better. I'm getting them a follow up shot of Ivermcectin in a week again to prevent any reinfection.

Will also keep treating them with Revolution until the snow comes here.

Also, my vet (who is wonderful) made a great suggestion. He told me to buy the large vial of Revolution for dogs and give the cats 3 drops each (see below **) , instead of little cat vials and putting the whole thing on them. It is MUCH CHEAPER that way. It is the same product, just more concentrated so you put on less:

Here is the information about the anti-flea medicine in the much more economical format.

Just for info for anyone reading: Revolution is actually considered a better product against fleas than Advantage. The flea dies within 2 days of biting the animal. The flea does lay eggs but those eggs are inert and do not hatch.

** The configuration to ask for is:
Revolution (salamectin)
360 mg, 3 ml (120mg/ml)
And for an 8 to 12 pound cat the dose is 3 drops on the back of the neck. Shake well before using.

So glad that your kitties are well too now. Yes, I've heard that mites and fleas and ticks are a real problem in the south where there aren't winters and frosts to keep down the outdoor populations.

Take care and thanks for your insight!!!!



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