Hi there, you may have already read my earlier posts, but I had cavitation surgery in June of this year and so far, so good. I had also considered using Dr. Briener but the cost per tooth site dissuaded me as his preference to trying other therapies before surgery. I ended up going to Dr. Jerome who is located in Columbus IN b/c even with the cost of a plane ticket, hotel and rental car, it cost less to have the surgery with him. His cost was $300 compared to the $1,500 quote I got from a dentist in PA. I had 4 cav sites so that added up to $1,200 for all 4 plus travel costs equaled about $1,750 total.
I have also come across a couple dentist located south of the border who do the surgery for much less than the US trained dentists. I didn't save any of the links for them but you may be able to find some by googling cav surgery in Tijuana or Mexico.