Walking dead: Ongoing BP Gulf disaster may be killing millions
Walking dead: Ongoing BP Gulf disaster may be killing millions
“I think the media now has to…tell the American people who’s getting money for poisoning the millions of people in the Gulf.” – Hugh Kaufman, senior EPA analyst, admits millions have been poisoned in the Gulf states.
A biochemical bomb went off in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010—a bomb that was as dangerous and destructive as a nuclear blast.
An atom bomb’s death and destruction can be measured immediately after detonation while BP’s unintentional biochemical bomb is a slow-motion explosion that is driving a disaster that continues even now.
Lingering death, however, occurs with both types of explosions.
Millions exposed to uncontrolled hemorrhaging, lesions, cancers
Recently, enraged scientists have presented strong evidence that millions of Gulf area residents have been poisoned by the BP Gulf disaster. Worse, millions more could be exposed to long term poisoning from benzene contamination. Benzene exposure leads to cancers.
Yet other than those furious scientists few seemed to care.
Now, however, more frightening evidence has emerged that areas of the Gulf Coast may have been not only saturated with high levels of benzene, but hydrogen sulfide and radioactive hydrocarbon effluents too-three deadly substances that can cause disease and death years after the initial exposures. [Full report linked at end of article.]
rest of article and many links~~