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Completed my 4th Flush, almost fainted...
prettysoulful Views: 1,158
Published: 20 y

Completed my 4th Flush, almost fainted...

This weekend, I did my 4th flush. It was interesting. I used commercial juice for the first time, and did not enjoy it. My ES is better with GF, but with bottled juice the juice was just unpleasant. For the first time, I could hardly drink my OO/GF mixture, it tasted terrible(usually, I actually like it). I also didn't have the urge to go until after my dose of OO/GF, so I had to use the bathroom before I laid down, and surprisingly, after 2 doses of ES, I still didn't have liquid poo. All of this is especially weird because I had done a SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) that morning, and also did not have any loose stools. The next morning, since I was showing signs of weird blockage, I took another dose of ES instead of the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) I had planned to take. And instead of a 4th dose of ES, I decided to finally try the coffee enema. I did 3 clear water enemas, and started passing stones. Then I did 2 coffee enemas. In the end, I had passed about 200 small, sesame seed/apple seed sized stones. With 5 or 6 pumpkin seed sized stones thrown in.

I'd say it was a successful flush, but it was also the first flush that I have ever felt faint during. Before my enemas, I went down to get some juice, and began to feel very woozy, a cross between faint and nausea. I immediately began to think that my electrolytes were off(I'd felt this same sensation after standing in the sun while visiting a work site), so I grabbed my Propel out of the fridge, and shakily filled a glass. By the time I had finished filling the glass I knew I was fading fast, so I made my way to the couch, and 2 gulps later, the room shifted back to normal. It was a bit scary for me because I would hate to pass out, and have my daughter left with trying to figure out what to do to help me.

I don't know what was up with my electrolytes this flush, but if anyone could advise me, I'd really appreciate it. I certainly would not want a repeat of that.


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