Re: Lisa
i don't disagree with you - your stones melted. and i also agree with you that flushing too often is harmful.
Unless I'm misreading your note, you got the stones tested for what they weren't (gallstones), and this is agreed, the green ones are not supposed to be gallstones. But you never tested what they actually WERE comprised of (olive oil, or liver-created cholesterol?), other than eyeballing them. And then you've jumped to a conclusion based on the eyeball technique. Let me know if i'm misreading your note on this regard.
i don't care how many naturopaths say what... irrelevant. You keep saying that you don't wish to argue with anyone - why are you arguing with me? My note wasn't even to you. It was to hopinso. I totally agree that you get to have your reality, you get to see as many naturopaths that you want, and they can all agree with you. Just cuz I don't agree with you doesn't mean I don't allow you your reality. My intent is NOT to inflame you. Sometimes people can look at the same data, and reach different conclusions.
Enough people have tried to get the green stones to be another color through dyes injected into the
OO (Olive-Oil) mixture, and failed. Others have tried to get the soft green stones to behave like olive oil through various tests - and failed. these tests have been done over and over again.... So... until you have more proof other then eyeballing melted stones I don't agree that the green stones were olive oil. I don't know why yours melted at room temp. and mine didn't. But, that aside, what I think has happened here is that you've had a legitimate test done that proves they aren't gallstones, but have had no test to see whether they're made of cholesterol (which is what they are supposed to be made of).
Best to you,