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Plain Liver Flush is so awesome!
For the last two months I kept saying, I need to do another plain liver flush, over and over again but did nothing about it until three days ago. I am telling you the truth, once your body gets used flushing out chaff and gallstones, it will do its job with the plain liver flush. After my body was finished flushing my bilary tubes that were filled with chaff which was preventing the bile from coming down, that night I began to feel my energy come back. Today I feel so uforic and energized. I never felt this way in my 30's or as a matter of fact, in my 20's. I am 55 years old and would have never in a 100 years believed how good I could feel in my 50's. Of course it had to do mostly from taking the 8 Humaworm cleanses that gave me back my health.
I don't understand why people tune up their cars and do oil changes but don't do the same for their bodies. People need to get more educated. I wish I could approach more people but some are squemish and don't want to hear or see my critter stories so I back off, but the one's that want to hear what RG has taught me, hear an ear full and they too start getting their health back.
I feel wonderful. Listen to your body, it will tell you what it wants you to do for it, once you learn how to do it.
Hugs and God Bless everyone here, you are lucky that you found Humaworm! P.S. sorry for my spelling, I am a horrible speller. Donna