Hi Everyone... I have Free Kefir Grains Available...
I was gifted these and they are growing like crazy!
I am now lucky to be growing them on Raw Goat's Milk!
They LOVE it!
I have made Kefir-Kraut/ Kefir-Kimchi...
And I would love to make sprouted grain kefir bread next.
Dehydrating at 108 Degrees.
But right now I just have TOO much!
But I am so attached that I can not throw any away.
This colony is So, So, very healthy growing on the Goat Milk.
I have approximately 6 (separate) TBL to offer for free:
you pay 5 Dollars priority shipping.
I ship with 4oz Goats milk in a 1/2 pint mason jar.
Probably be ready to drink when you get it.
I want to spread the Kefir Love -- so much so that you can pay me the shipping after you receive!!!
This is for the love of God and nothing else...