Liver feels tight: flush it as soon as you feel the bunch ready to come out at the end of your right ribcage. If you have to do one flush a day for a while, it won't hurt you. Use castor oil packs at night as they will help.
You're right, parasites can block the bile duct. Keep killing them off and flush when you need to.
Definitely flush with swollen feet. The liver and lymph both back up. Get the lymph moving by doing some walking, sitting on and bouncing on one of those big balls or rocking in a rocking chair. A small trampoline if you have one and can do it. Keep sitting to a minimum.
Liver problems are evident in skin problems. It'll go away after a while. Take a bath with evaporated sea salt.
Athletes foot is fungus problems. You might have candida, too, so olive leaf is good, caprylic acid, coconut oil