Hi! I am new to this forum and am looking for some much needed advice!! One week ago I had a nasty and infected root canal tooth extracted by an oral surgeon.He said it was very bad.It actually had a small cyst of infection attached to the tip of the root.Plus it had spread into my bone so he had to scrape away some bone to get all the infection out.First couple of days I was doing fine pain wise.About 3d day I started having severe throbbing pain all around extraction site.Went back to OS..he said there was no dry socket or infection.He felt i was having alot of healing pain due to how traumatic the extraction was.So here it is 7 days later and i'm still in alot of pain.It might be a tiny bit better.But not much.I am on amoxicillen(although i don't want to be due to Candida which i was being treated for)I just didn't know what else to do.Plus I'm taking ibuprofen every 5 hrs for the pain.I do not like doing this either,but once again don't want to be in so much pain!!!I'm looking for advice on some things i can take or do to speed healing and rduce pain and inflammation naturally.I am brushing w/ baking soda plus doing salt water rinses.Also is there anyone else out there who has had such a traumatic extraction and had prolonged pain afterwards??I'm very worried that the pain is not going to subside and then what do i do?Thank you in advance for any responses I get.I appreciate it!!!