Re: Will Calium cancer markers rise after a fast?
Hi Koldo, 10 years ago my sister had 2 large fibroids, 1 was the size of a grapefruit,the other a lemon. her gyno offered one option only, hysterectomy. eek! she didn't want to do it. research revealed that when the uterus is removed the ovaries immediately begin to atrophy and she wanted to keep her hormones and her youth till their natural end. so she searched the net for an alternative and discovered the latest technology was UAE (uterine artery embolisation). it worked fabulously and her benign fibroids are now nothing but 2 tiny calcified lumps that she can no longer feel.
bear in mind the operation is performed by a radiologist. her whole body was covered in x-ray protection blankets except for a tiny hole where he inserted a catheter into her femoral artery (outer groin) and guided it watching a vidio screen to the feeding tubes of the fibroids. once there he released from the catheter a quantity of sand grains made of the same substance as contact lenses which the body does not reject. there on the screen in front of her she was able to see their blood flow vanish. the operation was a complete success her periods were reduced to that of a young woman again. it took 3 months for the fibroids to shrink to almost nothing. there were no complications whatsoever nor in the 10 yrs that have past.
my sister did not want to fast, never has, she is very slim so to her this was her only other option and she is thrilled she chose it. before the op she joined the UAE forum on yahoo.groups and read all their stories. after discovering there were very few complications (contrary to what her gyno said) and those were only minor, she then sent in a request to anyone knowing the name of a doctor in our country who had performed this op successfully. discovered he worked in a major hospital in our city and it was done.
sorry i can't help with the high calcium levels, there are too many possibilities.
all the best