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Pinguecula in my eyes diminished
Stokrotka Views: 12,413
Published: 15 y

Pinguecula in my eyes diminished


I just wanted to share my story.

Some time ago I noticed a yellow deposit in both of my eyes and my eyes were inflamed. Eye doctor diagnosed pinguecula - conjunctival degeneration in the eye. He prescribed eye drops containing steroids. I was afraid of taking them due to side effects. I was also told that I would need surgery if drops do not work.

I started to put essential oils (lemon, orange, frankincense, myrrh, peppermint...; highly diluted in olive oil) on the skin around my eyes - in some distance from the eyes - do NOT allow oils to get into you eyes. I also put some essential oils into boiling water and inhaled with eyes open for a moment - 30 seconds. I also did eyebaths – using water with 2 drops of lemon juice - once a day. It largely diminished my pinguecula - it is almost invisible. Inflammation in the eyes disappeared.

Warning!!! Please be cautious NOT to put any essential oils into your eyes. It is very dangerous. If it would happen do not rinse with water!!! It is going to make things worse. Use olive oil and towel instead.

I hope it help, as there is not a lot of information on naturally treating pinguecula.


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