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Re: Loosing It!
lisag Views: 1,698
Published: 20 y
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Re: Loosing It!

blood tests usually show things when they are very advanced. even though blood tests look so "scientific," the range of 'normal' on a blood test is so wide it doesn't reflect what is abnormal for a particular person. i mean in the thyroid arena, half of all thyroid problems, maybe less, show up. the normal range for thyroxin in the blood is 5-14... i was a 5 and was called 'normal.' yet the temperature test showed me as clearly being hypothyroid... so normal blood tests really mean... nothing.

from your note i see that you are still looking to a doctor for answers - what i have found out is that they really don't have any. the best that can be done is to go to a holistic doctor - they won't look at your stones like you are nuts. they'll treat you respectfully.... there is an organization for doctors that are holistic - acam. here's a link, there are practicioners listed on this website. when i lived in NC i used a doctor that belonged to ACAM - he was wonderful. i don't know if they're all that good!

Oxypowder doesn't go well for me, either. i use jim foley's caps, which are wonderful for me. they cleanse, regularly getting the mucoid plaque out. Oxypowder - yuck - didn't work for my body.




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