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Re: Rod Class on Talkshoe
turiya Views: 4,805
Published: 15 y
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Re: Rod Class on Talkshoe

This turned out to be a pretty informative call.

Later onl (past the 1 hour mark) these guys get into the Strawman, birth certificate, etc., and their theory.
It appears to me that Rod & company are not so much aware of what Tim Turner has been teaching in his seminars, (Tim Turner and many others) this subject has been thoroughly investigated for many many many many years.
*edit* as Rod explains his view of the Montana Freeman at the tail end of the call.

Rod & company have done some nice work on finding that the State comptroller is where the money is at. And the comptroller is acting as money launderer for the courts and the several agencies. This, in my opinion, is how the CAFR accounts can be accessed!

However, at this point in time, it appears that Rod & company is more than willing to take all the credit for the work that has done by many many others that have spent much time in prison to bring the fraud that has been pulled on the American public.

In other words, Rod & company choose to discredit Tim Turner, Dr. Livingston and others, instead of recognizing that everyone is working together to solve this STRAWMAN/fraud matter. Perhaps this the next phase that needs to entered into - arriving at a synthesis, out of the thesis and anti-thesis - which is reason why much conflict amongst so many in this entire movement.

I am awaiting for the next chapter to begin.


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