BP Environmental Disaster: Despite "All Clear," Mississippi Tests Positive for Oil and Toxic Dispersants
This article, for me, highlighted the
unwillingness of the government to do
testing for oil and dispersants. People
on the Gulf are taking matters into their
own hands~~
BP Environmental Disaster: Despite "All Clear," Mississippi Tests Positive for Oil and Toxic Dispersants
The State of Mississippi's Department of Marine Resources (DMR) opened all of its territorial waters to fishing on August 6. This was done in coordination with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the US Food and Drug Administration, despite concerns from commercial fishermen in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida about the presence of oil and toxic dispersants from the BP oil disaster.
On August 19, Truthout accompanied two commercial fishermen from Mississippi on a trip into the Mississippi Sound in order to test for the presence of submerged oil. Laboratory test results from samples taken on that trip show extremely high concentrations of oil in the Mississippi Sound.
the rest of this articles with photos~~