Re: Algin
Hi, I have heavy metal poisoning..mostly mercury and lead. I have done chelation before in the past but now I want to go the natural route and use cilantro and chlorella to chelate.
---Cilantro should not be used and chlorella should NEVER be used. ALA is the most understood, effective, and powerful chelator available. Would you rather go the "natural" route and get worse, or go the ALA/DMSA route and get better? You have mercury and lead in you, two things that are not naturally associated with humans.
but I've read cilantro taken without Algin may cause reabsorption so I will buy some Algin. My question is when do I take the Algin? because I have heard that Algin absorbs nutrients/supplements as well so taking it with cilantro or chlorella may be pointless because it will make it less effective. If anyone can help that would be great. Thanks
---Algin does nothing whatsoever for mercury toxic people. Chlorella harms them and cilantro harms them as well. Use Andy Cutler's protocol with DMSA/DMPS and ALA. Or just ALA alone, whatever you prefer. Take the recommended supplements: C,E,Zinc,Mg,Milk Thistle,Fish Oil and whatever else fits your situation. Do it right and you get better. Do it wrong and you get severely worse, sometimes permanently. Believe me, I did the chlorella/cilantro route and almost died. Now I am on my way to recovery using a logical protocol that involves
Science and not what any random person tells you.