Exellent post keep researching !!! just to let others in on the inside story G.E Searle company (formerly owned by Rumsfield)were the ones involved with the introduction of nutrasweet/aspartame/sweet & low to the U.S. Rumsfield owned the company and when the FDA threatened to ban the junk he threatened to sue the FDA and wola it was approved. In addition to make the story even more intresting G.E Searle was sold to MONSANTO. The wonderful multinational that has brought us terminator tech. and franken foods or G.M foods. Care for a little bit of human with your tomatoes anyone? Ive tryed stevia and boy its good funny thing though its hard to get it in the US I wonder if good ole Rumsfield has anything to do whith it? Just a few problem associated with nutrasweet well in the presence of water it changes in to wood alcohol. Wood alchol is a cumilative poision and has been linked to neurological diseases such as M.S, Parkinsons, and more. Nutrasweet is in over 5000 items found on your supermarket shelf (in just a couple of decades). Just say no to DRUGS oopppsss I mean Diet soda pops. hhhmmmm I wonder what is going on here?