The question still remains, by what authority
are the dispersants STILL being used?? How do
we get them to stop?? And how do we force the
media to report the health dangers of frolicking
on the Corexit-laced sand and in the water which
also shows, STILL, the use of Corexit. What are
the safe levels for Corexit?? My understanding
was there was no safe amount. The government is
not even looking for anything less than 750 ppm.
What tests are being conducted on seafood??
What tests are done for air quality or ground
soil quality. The south grows a lot of our food.
Does the Celery we are eating have ANY residue of
Corexit in it?? I am assuming I am not the only
one who wants to know. Who are the independent
contractors being used to spray the Corexit
above, on, and below the water?? Why are the
Gulf States continuing to be used as dumping
ground for Corexit, and who is going to take
responsibility for the aftermath of this crime?