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Rutin or Bilberry
Smerc Views: 1,515
Published: 15 y

Rutin or Bilberry

Hey all. I am currently in the market for a powder form of either Rutin or Bilberry. I have been taking a supplement with Bilberry along with Lutein and was wanting to switch to powder bilberry since it's much cheaper.

I read that Bilberry actually contains rutin, but wasn't aware how much. I was wanting to take rutin as well since it seems to help out with skin looking better. Should I just get Bilberry since it contains rutin? This wouldn't be a concern, but I read that Bilberry can be toxic at higher levels. So I figured that dosing around 500mg(Bilberry) seems to be a good level.

Didn't know if anyone has seen skin benefits along with the eye benefits some see as well, from Bilberry.



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