Large Oil-Corexit Plumes, Fish Kill Coverup and Wackenhut
How is it that this corporation, BP, and
its hired mercenaries have been given so
much power when the crimes they are committing
are so egregious??
Large Oil-Corexit Plumes, Fish Kill Coverup and Wackenhut
Everyday it seems we get more and more proof that oil and dispersant are still poisoning the Gulf of Mexico. Project Gulf Impact recently took their second boat trip in the last week. The first trip brought us photos of freshly sprayed dispersant, totally destroying the myth that this disaster is reaching its end.
Large oil and dispersant plumes still linger, continually poisoning and destroying our precious oceans. Internal BP documents show that there were not one but TWO wells, raising the possibility that the ROV cameras may have never been placed near the real leak.
the rest of the story~~
God help us if we are unable to stop
these seemingly soul-less corporate
monsters, and their hired mercenaries~~