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Re: Web site on chemicals used on oil spills

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Zoebess Views: 1,452
Published: 15 y
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Re: Web site on chemicals used on oil spills

I have posted this link before and
am glad to see it being posted again.

Too bad we cannot get the government,
BP, or the independent contractors to
admit that the use of dispersants is
ongoing and heavy~~!

We have had storms here in the past three days.
My neighbor is complaining about her eyes and
says she has never experienced anything like it.

Another friend, over in San Antonio, called to
say they were reporting levels of VOC's being
brought in with the storms. His eyes felt like
they were abraded and he also said it was nothing
he was familiar with and was distressed about.

In my mind, all the attempts to destroy our
health with a couple of agendas, eugenics and
to serve us up as fodder for the Obamacare
and pharmaceutical Gods, by releasing all the
different flues and diseases into the population
have failed to be significant sources of death.
I daresay that with the use of over a million
gallons of these poisonous dispersants, which
are banned in Europe, the elite will realize
the success in effecting a Death Wave which
they had hoped to generate with the Swine Flu.

This is just my opinion, but since I am living
in close proximity to this crime, I feel I
have the right to say whatever I want about
how I perceive this event...and from where I
am sitting right is akin to genocide
of the Gulf...marine life, human life, and
the way of life...




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