Re: BP BACKPEDAL: WE are not using dispersants, but NOT CERTAIN about others
This whole dispersant mess is such a MESS
and the way it has been handled, with lies
and he said, she said, with BP, the EPA,
and the Coast Guard with the proverbial,
Thad Allen, it makes me think it will be
impossible to sort out in the long run
because there is zero ethics and accountability.
The "enabling" by the Obama administration
should give us all pause since it signifies
that corporations are really the people
in the "drivers seat". In this little foray
into history, BP is the corporation driving
this country into the ground relative to the
repercussions this event will continue to
I can only pray that MORE scientists and
researchers can continue to stack up their
recommendations and perhaps have a slim
chance at bringing the real change needed
in this disaster. Hundreds of scientists
have already called for the end to the
spraying of dispersants, but to no avail.
I am willing to bet folding money that
there will be tons of evidence surface
that Corexit is still being used. I think
there is a hidden agenda now; a desperate
move to not only limit liabilities but to
hide and ignore the damage and pretend as
if nothing has happened, or that they were
limited in their knowledge and understanding
of it.
Slowly but surely the truth is dawning on
the people of the Gulf, and while CNN remains
mute, the online community is holding the
torch to illuminate this godforsaken process
of uncovering the truth and the players
involved. Meanwhile, the blame game is amping
up and those who used their power to force
events to unfold, now are blaming those who
did their bidding for do it. I am not a lawyer
and do not claim to know the intricacies of
liability and accountability, but I do know
that there is a lot of lying going on and
that people are being told it is safe to
eat the food, breathe the air, swim in the
water, and lay on the beach. Why is it that
the average American living on the Gulf is
not believing this story and yet each day,
and each night, it is being drummed into
us by the media.
Thank God for the internet. We may be the
only ones capable of screaming and tapping
out messages enough to get the Corexit spraying
stopped. Next hurdle, the admission of the
extent of the damage and the call for some
real analysis of what we are facing.
Personally, I have never been one to run
away from what I fear. I prefer to face it
and figure out if I need a gun or a sponge.
(sigh). The backpedaling not only is getting
us nowhere, but is poisoning us while we
wait to get there...