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I am sure there are others even dumber
Dquixote1217 Views: 4,285
Published: 15 y
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I am sure there are others even dumber

My dumbest post?  Nahhhh, I am sure there are others if you just go back and look a bit.

Failed to answer your post?  I beg your pardon - I didn't know that I was required to answer your posts.  Since you obviously want me to though:

First of all, your figures assume no deaths over an 80 year period.  Almost all of the 48 million plus Hispanics alive today will not be around in 80 years.  Likewise, one would expect a number of Hispanics in your projected figures to die along theway too.  That still leaves a lot of people, but surely less than 350 million - which is a far cry from your original billion people.

You are quite right that we should not equate the 50's and 60's to such a scenario.  Neither should we be so foolish as to equate the America or the world itself of 80 years ago from what we will see 80 years into the future.  Look back 80 years ago and see how America and the world has changed.  In only a bit over 80 years we have had two major world wars, several lesser ones, a horrific pandemic, the great depresssion, and birth rates that fluctuated greatly including before and after the baby boom years.  It is rather impossible to accurately predict that Hispanic or any other birth rates will remain the same for the next 80 years or to predict just about anything else with any degree of certainty - including that there will be no measures to curb population growth which would otherwise swell far beyond our resources and infrastructure.

The lily-white days of the 50's and 60's are long gone.  While there is much about those days that I wish could return, one lesson I hope we take with us from the days of Ozzie and Harriet AND Amos and Andy is what happens when you divide the country along racial lines and look down on entire groups of people that you try to suppress as second-class citizens.  It was an ugly, ugly lesson and one that I hope we don't repeat.

BTW, you have offered up lots of alarmist scenarios - what praytell is your solution?



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