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This audio recording (the link on bottom of this page to get to the mp3 file) is an excerpt from a 3 1/2 hour recording of a conference call that took place on April 9, 2010.
The entire recording of this conference call can be found @
by AL Whitney (C) copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved
For years Willie Nelson and Neil Young have been dedicating their time and talent to helping American farmers through their organization Farm Aid.
However, they never mention Farm Claims. The legal battle many American farmers signed on to in the 80′s is truly the most significant and far reaching class action lawsuit ever pursued in our nation’s history. Repeat: The legal battle many American farmers signed on to in the 80′s is truly the most significant and far reaching class action lawsuit ever pursued in our nation’s history.
One of these farmers, Darryl Freck and his wife lost their farm and pretty much everything else. In the process of pursuing ‘justice’, Darryl Freck made (and exposed) startling discoveries about our ‘government’. He discovered we no longer live under a Constitution, but that our government had been transformed into a for-profit corporation long long time ago.
On April 09, 2010 Darryl Freck, farmer/researcher extraordinaire, told of his experiences in this effort on a conference call (link below), and the critically important result of the class action lawsuit referred to as “Farm Claims”. He did a fabulous job explaining what precipitated the “Farm Claims” and how they are now a part of a much bigger effort to recover our Constitutional government and put the corrupt banksters and politicians out of business.
Comments Section:
Mr Freck was part of a class action suit against the banksters by US farmers. He does an absolutely fabulous job explaining the circumstances that led up to these lawsuits and the most amazing results they were able to achieve. His understanding of the 'workings' of our defacto government and its relationship to the global gangster/banksters is really quite exceptional. The independent research he has done regarding U.S. history and 'how our gov't became parasitic' is hugely important for us all to understand. I found Mr Freck's story absolutely spellbinding and if we ever regain an honest media, his story could be made into one of the most inspirational movies of all times. If you take the time to hear what Darryl Freck has to say, you will not regret it!