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Re: Gelsemium C30
healthseeker888 Views: 4,954
Published: 15 y
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Re: Gelsemium C30

Hello Jerry,

Gelsemium may or may not help. Homeopathy is more accurate if one has more history and symptoms to go by. It's not like taking an aspirin for a headache.

Instead, I would recommend Meridian Tapping for you. That is a very quick and easy (and, granted, hokey looking and sounding...) way of getting rid of phobias and fears for good. And I do mean quick!

If you look up "TFT cure your Fears & Phobias" on YouTube you will find a halfway decent version of this tapping technique that you can follow along with. It should help quickly and thoroughly, especially if you are able to tap on all the different aspects of your stage fright. This would be all the different areas related to stage fright that give you an uncomfortable feeling in your body. For instance:
1. thinking about the event
2. getting ready for the event
3. actually going (driving, flying, walking, etc) to the event
4. talking to people about the event
5. waiting for your turn to speak
6. anticipating how the people will be looking at you when you are speaking
7. fearing what they will think of you
8. fearing that you will become tongue-tied or say the wrong thing
9. fearing that they will laugh at you
10. fearing not being able to make your feet get you on stage
11. fearing you will pass out or throw up or make a fool of yourself

These are all just examples of some of the aspects that can come up for a case of stage fright. They may all apply to you or maybe only some apply to you. Maybe you have a whole different set of aspects I haven't thought of. But the point is that each and every one of them should be addressed one by one. As long as they give you an uncomfortable feeling in your body (shortness of breath, anxiety, pain anywhere, etc...) when you think of them, you should use the technique the gentleman is demonstrating. Focus in on one aspect at a time and remember to rate your discomfort level from 0 to 10 before you start and then again after each round. There is a wonderful free manual online (no strings attached free) that you can get if you are interested in pursuing this further. I am new here and not sure if I am allowed to post links to things, so just email me if you want the link.


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