Re: Big exam coming up... can I fast?
Hi PinkElephant,
research says that because primitive man often had to hunt on an empty stomach it programmed the body's survival instincts to remain hyper-vigilant and non-sleepy till food was acquired. of course like everything there is a limit.
if you do find yourself slowing down mentally you can up your mental traction without moving out of ketosis too dramatically by drinking shots of low glycemic index living green juices not left to oxidize for more than 5 minutes. make sure to dilute them because the alkalinity will be too hard on an empty stomach and add lemon and stevia or the taste buds will reject it majorly. you could then continue
Water Fasting after the exam.
i get this boost even without fasting, so much so that sometimes people think i'm on speed lol, but i'm just a VJ junky :-). apparently the brain gets first priority when it comes to nutrients so the neurons literally start snapping along at a mighty pace within 15 minutes of drinking raw veg, even more so when a fast has made the villi ultra receptive.
raw liquid nutrients enter the blood stream thru the stomach much faster than unwrapped fiber foods so you get the same hyper mental agility effect that exercising has on a non fasting body when the blood flow to every cell is more receptive to nutrients.