good job Gary for trying the flush. that is a GREAT amount of stones to get out on the first flush! really, really good. Don't forget to clean all those little balls out of your colon - enema, colonic, or some other equally unpleasant but necessary colon related thing. alot of toxic material gets released during a flush... its good to get it out, if it sits in your intestines and colon it can make you sick. now that we've got you converted over the dark side we want to make sure it ends up working for you! i just gotta say, i think you made a great choice not to inject radioactive dye into your body at the doctor's behest. if you'd done it you might have glowed in the dark come halloween, you wouldn't have needed a costume. but seriously, some people do have a negative reaction to the dyes that are used, and i've read that 2% of people wind up with chronic fatigue from it.
its a special thing to see people avoid surgery and actually get well. congrats on your fantastic flush!