"Yes i have experimented the same thing, i have tried with the ultimate zapper and the blood purifier (+ handles + footpads) and depending on how many electrodes i touch, the current is less or more powerfull.
The problem remains : how to reach the "empty space" in the lungs, the stomach, the small intestine, the colon where there is not enough conductivity... "
The F165 has carrier wave capability. If you use a back frequency above 1 MHZ it will pass through the body bone and cells. You can modulate the carrier with the program channel lower frequencies.
The zappicator i have seems to increase blood flow but maybe it needs more power to kill parasites...
What are the specs of the F165 ? How many V ? How many mA ? I know you can set the frequency.
In positive offset DC mode on the variable output it will put out 0-13 volts.