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Re: Day 6 - strong aroma made me hungry!! Advice?
actualhealth Views: 1,106
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Re: Day 6 - strong aroma made me hungry!! Advice?

interesting. i was just reading that coffee has an effect on blood Sugar and insulin. i didn't know this. anyway if you consider that neuroscience has now discovered that thinking an action and doing an action activates the same neurons in the brain and that smell and memory are also similarly connected, then its possible that the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee was so powerful it momentarily convinced some parts of the brain that you had 'actually' tasted a food and this activated your ghrelin (hunger hormone) in the brain and perhaps even activated a small shot of insulin which affected your fasting blood Sugar level?

makes one think perhaps avoiding thoughts of food might make fasting easier. i know for a fact that not thinking of smoking definitely made giving up chain smoking a lot easier many years ago. and making sure i never gave them a second thought has kept me free of any craving to go back to them ever since.


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