Re: Newbie Questions on Kidney Dialysis
Hi - there are many people (including Knowledge Seeker here) who have tried
juicing to heal their kidneys - but from my own experience, I found the potassium in the juice caused me a lot of pain. My kidneys could not handle the potassium.
So that is when I started taking Homeopathic remedies to help me with pain.
* I took Arnica Montana 30C six little pills four times a day 1/2 hour Before or After eating. It helped me.
* And I also took Urea 200C for a SHORT While to rebalance of my organs.
* I have taken 2-3 Cups of Hibiscus and Chrysanthemum Tea Daily for energy and healing the kidneys. THIS REALLY HELPS!
* As well as I take 60 mg. of CoQ10 TWICE a Day to protect my kidneys from further damage.
* I take a multi-vitamin with NO Minerals twice a day - These tablets are time released. The vitamins are taken to rebuild the kidneys.
I hope this helps. It helped me. I have another link which tells you further about what I did.
Good luck and God bless.