Several "Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillators" can be found on the internet and also purchased from different suppliers. Isn't is strange that they look different from each other and also have different specifications? How can this be, since manufacturers say these are all Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillators? At a minimum we can say that it is not clear they are designed to operate according to the instructions of Georges Lakhovsky. The "modern" (post world war II) story of the MWO is not a happy one. We learned that in 1963 Mr. Bob Beck supposedly discovered an original MWO stored in the basement of a California hospital. From this discovery the Multiple Wave Oscillator revival began. The Borderland's "MWO Handbook" provides an overview of that period: a new generation of experimenters started to build many various home-made MWOs, to speculate on how the original device was made, how were the antenna rings were sized, etc. We'd like to polemize a bit with Bob Beck: why he didn't disclose the original MWO details? Why we never saw any pictures? Why is it that the discovered machine had no C.O.L.Y.S.A identification? A generation of experimenters -including ourselves- has wasted time and energies in speculating, discussing, building MWO's that had little or nothing to do with the real original design. We are *not* doctors, we are radio engineers, so we can't help in evaluating the MWO from a clinical point of view. Yet, we can finally provide a in-depth technical study of the *original* MWO technology and help experimenters to build his/her own original-compliant MWO.