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Re: Just need to talk a bit.
Kcirla Views: 1,162
Published: 15 y
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Re: Just need to talk a bit.

Hang in there sweetie! I know you can do it. I've been there, and still am, I'm even struggling to stay alive at that point, I want to give up sometimes, but I want to believe we still can do it. It is hard but it is makeable, no matter how far you've been, believe me. Just keep the faith.
I think you should focus on that liver right now, once you get it opened, your whole body/mind will thank you. Remember that while there is still stones inside, no matter how much, if just one blocks bile flow, you won't be able to feel any better in the long term, because toxins can't leave the liver through bile, keeping the blood "dirty" making you feel sick. So if I could suggest something, do at least the IP liver program, meaning daily mini flushes with weekly big flushes as you do, with the tincture daily, and castor oil packs as often as possible (I thought they were neglectable at first, but they are powerful indeed). I believe once the liver gets cleaned, everything will follow and your health issues should start to improve very quickly.


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