Of course the sea floor is covered by oil. Of course there are huge plumes of undersea oil - including some the size of entire states. Of course the oil eating microbes, which operate mostly on or near the surface to begin with and would have had to have been present in huge, huge numbers prior to the oil volcano, have not eaten away the Corexit laced oil (and has anyone tested to see how well those microbes are able to eat and withstand Corexit?). As the noted EPA official said, 97% of the oil never reached the surface. Imagine that - all the miles of huge oil slicks and all the tar balls we have seen thus far and 97% of it never even made it to the surface.
I have no doubt that continuing tests and observation will reveal much more oil and much greater hazards than we have been told. But how much of that information will be placed before the general public? The problem is that the media has widely reported that the crisis is mostly over, the photo ops have been released and Obama has given his almightly seal of approval, and BP is telling us in ads on every channel that they are making it all right. I will be surprised to see much mainstream coverage running counter to the false perception that has been created, unless something or some things happen that are so huge that they cannot be overlooked.