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Re: To heal metaphysically it is important

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Re: To heal metaphysically it is important

i like your posts; they are like stimulii to compete for something that God can give us.
the greatest of the gift is understanding and that knowing the wrong and the weak and the one in material needs or in anger/hunger/desparation/ Depression one does not react to fight it by his mind or anger-spirit/let down. He has to be not responsible for playing and feeding the opposite as right contradition or contrast or justification with a bad victimazing energy. even when inventing a tool or idea the energy has to be from God to God creation. so what is weakness or anger can be seen not to fight them but to be change into love and awareness of whereabout the pain - in this God will give you right knowledge and help to life and to all as real good intention would ever be.
I can see that men invent conflict themselves as they use anger energy against anger of other people and don't want to understand at all - so they have darkness or shame or reason to punish others and not help them at all and all this comes from their own anger and justified on others so their rules and laws and administration and economy-theories. You will know their love from this projected justification and tolerance as if life. they think that things themselves are lives and not as reflection out of their terrible anger and soul suffering. they inflict suffering and ignore it by condemning the others as angry and shamefull but this is an energy coming from themselves and not the other and so not accepting the true love and God; and angrily accept to love that which would kill them; they love to be controlled by evil. You right men are mortal error and love it for fear they will not live and so they will not live. it comes like hell of darkness out of anger and to make life out of it and to live and harbour it as living itself or God.
See how they make laws and define the poor - is there a poor before God; no, but before men yes. we have to understand this very clear. Why suffering unnecessarily does this bring understanding and confortable home in the future, by using the fire of hell and desire to die and destroy and ideas/means to do so? why feeding to the poor deliberitely the junk and bad pruducts and harmfull toys and shows and lies. SEe in them and if you see anger and refusal to understand your loving voice from God that loves the livings and sustaint them then they are dead and not born as you say second birth and so their children so falsely believed loved.
very hard to find loving men in this world made by eternal anger and hell. I like your loving intention and oneness.


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