I hope so
I hope so, man I can totally relate to those symptoms,..I was doing so well, and then a few weeks ago bought some whey protein powder with soy lecithin in it, along with supplemental lecithin, which turned out to be pure soy lecithin....I didnt think anything of it,.... took them in large amounts for a week, and started having insomnia,anxiety, palpitations, the shallow breathing etc..(figured it was just stress from overtraining at the gym)
...have barely slept the past 4 nights, the only thing that helps me right now is an anti-histamine, which I dont wanna make a habit out of... I never even stopped to consider the histamine content of foods, and when i researched it the other night it turns out most of the food i had been eating creates massive histamine..
Taurine has helped a lil with the breathing and anxiety....Ive started on glutamine 10/gms a day hope that helps my leaky gut..