Re: Brew time!!!
The reason that he's suggesting steroid cream is because of it's anti-inflammatory action. Don't go for it~ steroids have nasty side-effects. And that's the usual "let's fix the symptom" western medical reasoning. At her age, puffy eyes indicate some sort of "allergy" or imbalance, IMO. So I would not suggest any sort of cream to "fix" the problem- at best you'll get a temporary fix. The root cause(s) must be addressed...
The eye area can be puffy due to numerous reasons- if her eyes are puffy in the morning then normalize as the day wears on, then that points to weak kidneys.
If they are puffy all of the time, then that could be a reaction to an allergen- try changing her bedding. Down is a common culprit. Also, try changing your laundry detergent and don't use those dryer sheets- they're full of nasties.
Make sure that she is removing her make-up before bed. Also, she should try different make-up, possible she's having a reaction to cosmetics. Check
for make-up scorecards...
Puffy eyes can also indicate sinus problems, food alllergies and excess
Sugar consumption- what's her diet like? Make sure that you get her to fess up to what she ingests when mom is not around:)