How much money is made off those AIDS Drugs per year? They want to manage disease not cure it. A disease to them is just another cash cow.
Biocompatible Electric Current Attentuates HIV Infectivity
[From Ken Adachi, Editor: This is an extremely important report for anyone who is concerned about treating AIDS or HIV infection. Photos of the five pages of this 1996 report which appeared in Surgical Overview, Surgical Technology International V, were sent to me by a very sharp scientist and humanitarian named Webster Kehr on November 18, 2006. Webster deserves real credit for finding this published report as much effort has been expended to suppress this Kaali and Lyman 1990 discovery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. For example, Dr. Bob Beck found that the text of the March 1991 Washington DC AIDS conference where Kalii and Lyman first presented their findings publicly, were razor cut out of library copies of the published journal. Bob was able to find only three brief news items immediately following the March AIDS conference in The Houston Post (Mar 20, 1991), Science News (Mar. 30, 1991 ) and Longevity magazine: and then nothing.