Government tried to squelch findings --
This story is emerging today~~I have to
believe that many other findings have also
been silenced and that it will be years or
decades before the full extent of the Gulf
"cover-up" is known or exposed~~
USF says government tried to squelch their
oil plume findings
A month after the Deepwater Horizon disaster began, scientists from the University of South Florida made a startling announcement. They had found signs that the oil spewing from the well had formed a 6-mile-wide plume snaking along in the deepest recesses of the gulf.
The reaction that USF announcement received from the Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the federal agencies that sponsored their research:
Shut up.
"I got lambasted by the Coast Guard and NOAA when we said there was undersea oil," USF marine sciences dean William Hogarth said. Some officials even told him to retract USF's public announcement, he said, comparing it to being "beat up" by federal officials.
the rest of the article~~