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Invincible.. did not want to clutter up Andreas forum,
hanna Views: 1,518
Published: 20 y

Invincible.. did not want to clutter up Andreas forum,

I feel the less he has to read the more he can answer. I hate it when the threads get so long. I often try to leave the message in the subject line, so he does not have to open it. In the "olden" days noone answered questions, only he did, because that is the reason why people went to his forum. I am not complaining just observing. I can afford to talk to him once in awhile, but some people are dependent on the forum. After all this, I have a question for you.
You mentioned that he says the Master-Cleanse uses so much lemon and might create stones.
He advised me to have half lemon 2x a day to help with my sleeper stone. Plus peppermint capsules and chamomil tea (I bought capsules instead).
I have never been interested in doing the MC, but I am curious about the use of lemon juice. Do you have more detailed information?
Second question since I just thought of it. Do you know if anyone, in the UK, sells
Enteric peppermint oil capsules. I have gone through the internet here and I will try again, but everyone has soybean oil in it. My family is in the Netherlans so I could ask them too.


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