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Re: I know you don't think I actaully saw a diver in the BP Cam
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Published: 15 y
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Re: I know you don't think I actaully saw a diver in the BP Cam

Just so you know where i am coming from, I desperately hope I am wrong, and this disaster goes away. The more I look at what is actually in front of me, the more I believe that I have to uproot my life, upset my cranky cats, and move away from an area I really like.
I own my house clear, and i own a jewelry repair business which allows us to make a living without having to suck up to anyone, and does no one damage.
I have no motive for making it worse than it is, believe me, nothing would make me happier than for me to see real evidence that the Gulf of Mexico will really be restored to what is was just a few months ago.
i really like what I do for a living.
I feel badly about making plans to close my shop, sell my house (great real estate market, let me tell you) and move away. but the reality is that some things can't be fixed, no matter how much we might like it to be different.
I expected to live here for the rest of my life, and I am begining to believe that if I do that, it will be short and painful.
It just isn't adding up, I've checked the only sources that I trust, which is the financial news, and Nalco made a heck of a profit last quarter selling corexit to somebody. so they did use a huge amount of it.
What the consequences will be to the world from filling up an ocean with detergent and oil, I don't know, but I do know they won't be good.
There may be such wide ranging consequences that there will be no place to or, or it coudl be limited to the gulf area, or it could disipate, and be nothing of consequence.
I don't know which will happen, and neither does anyone else.
Whatever happens, I'm not sure I want to be this close to it, because it does appear that there was quite a bit of stuff that isn't being made public.


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