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Re: "orthorexia nervosa", new mental disease
Mira528 Views: 2,060
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Re: "orthorexia nervosa", new mental disease

Nice post.

About the spiritual world seeming more real than the physical, it's a thought I haven't had before and that's food for thought.

"The more I learn and experience the more I realize I don't know anything. LOL"

So true!

If you go to and type "solfeggio" in the search bar, you'll see some of the more popular healing tones CD's. I have 4 of the Jonathan Goldman CD's, they're nice and they come with booklets to read. I also have Solfeggio Harmonics by Source Vibrations and I really like it. To me, these sounds are like a drink of water after being thirsty for a long time. There are sound samples at and on their websites, so you can pick which ones you like. They work really well with stereo headphones, and it shouldn't be listened to while driving as they may put you to sleep.

I haven't heard of "dirty electricity" but I know that we are constantly bombarded by negative frequencies and wish I could get away from them and the dirty air etc. It can get depressing, at which point I remind myself that I'm here to learn and this is my lesson and I'm supposed to feel grateful. Someone said that before we're born we choose our parents and know we're going to be educated and we look forward to it - until we're born and we forget that. I think it might have been MH who said that.

Also I learned about Hilton Hotema here at Barefoot; he's an old occult author and I'll be buying more of his books. You can get them online from Health Research books.

Stuart Lichtman is some kind of a genius and can read about him online. He shows you how to make the conscious mind work together with the subconscious to make positive changes happen in your life. He studied every kind of engineering at MIT and then decided to study the human mind.

"Also allowing yourself to be open will take you on a journey that you could not have ever imagined."

Yes, it's true and it's what I call the Effortless Pathway - things just happen, it's really cool.

Good luck to you and your wife on your fast. I'm trying to go for the 21 days but we'll see if I make it!

Best to you,



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