Re: A hammer?
>>I have to remind myself too, that sometimes it can take a few days for stuff the frequencies have killed to show up.
Don't mind me, I always talk to myself :)
What I meant was..(please verify this Newport), frequencies don't kill things deader than a doornail right then and there- it can take some time for something to die, especially if it's large. It can be a week later before the evidence shows up.. And, not always will things frequencies hit, show up in the toilet.
I was thinking about what best123 was saying about not seeing any segments or anything in the toilet, after running Fish tapeworm.
Is there still movement?
That's another question I have for you Newport..I know the shielded
Tapeworm scripts are designed to run for a long time, for hitting the exact spot in the neck that makes them start dropping their segments.
Is it ok for a person to run the scriipt with the F165 as a contact device for a few hours, and then switch over to the bean for the entire scriipt (which goes over 24 hours)?
It's ok to hit
Tapeworms using a contact device?
I didn't know the answer for sure, but my thought was that I wouldn't.