Re: Apple juice prior to flush
I have flushed in about every way imaginable. My first flush was guided by my Naturopath and consisted of an apple and apple juice fast for a week with doses of olive oil twice a day. I had good results from that flush, dozens of stones, many almost black with a thin white coating, and I lost 13
pounds despite all the oil. That flush was so hard and time consuming. While researching
Liver Cleansing on-line I found Curezone and the rest is history.
I tried combining the fasting on apple juice with the ease of the
Hulda Clark flush and have had the best results. While a flush done with no preparation can be done with excellent results; I believe that using apple juice to soften stones and a brief fast to clear the colon makes the flush much easier and comfortable. One can always incorporate apple juice into their diet without fasting.
I NEVER do the salt water flush because it makes my blood pressure spike. I take the
Epsom Salts during the flush for both bowel flushing and to relax the biliary ducts. I also avoid high fiber and psyllium products for at least three days before and after flushing to allow free movement of stones through and out of the system.