Re: Important Info For Musicians
There are more and more sound healers and musicians waling up to this. Our world is one based in frequency(informational spiritual code) and it has been twisted by those who aim to control it and keep people from their spiritual power, rendering them slaves.
The same thing has been done to our method of time keeping, and also in making our language linear rather than holographic in the way hieroglyphics were. These three main influences have crippled mankind's potential a great deal and have allowed a cookie cutter reality to take place.
Guess who's baking the cookies? ;-)
Then we get into media, education, politics, and other areas of informational influence. Some are remembering their power and taking it back.
If you are a member of conscious media network there is a great interview with Dr. Len Horowitz this month where he gets into how the music scales were changed and why and what this has done to mankind.