Sodium: Chelated vs. Ionized
Dear Dr. Lam,
Thank you for all you've done for adrenal sufferers. I'm new here and still in the process of assimilating your writings and very impressed with the subtle and broad integration of your knowledge.
You recommend taking table salt to support the adrenals. I think I'm in stage 3A, and particularly concerned with "detoxification dysfunction leading to a low-clearance state", because I'm experiencing toxemia and weight loss despite a very careful diet.
I have read in Dr. Bieler's book and in various places on the web about the distinction between inorganic and organic sodium, and that:
- only organic sodium can be used by the body
- a compromised digestive system may be unable to convert inorganic to organic sodium
- "If you are healthy, with healthy kidneys, getting rid of excess salt should not present a problem, but if you have high blood pressure for any other reason, or suffer from another illness, having excess salt will only aggravate the problem further."
- it is possible to get all the sodium needed in organic form by emphasizing the vegetables containing it (which I do via "Bieler broth" and celery kraut).
I find no mention of this issue on this forum or Could you help me account for this concern?
Thank you very much for your generous attention.