..studying all things silver..
reading about all sorts of "
Colloidal Silver " "ionic silver" "nano particle silver"..
got Gordon Pedersen's book "A fighting chance"...
in which he explains the wondrous ways of ABL's
{American Biotech Labs] "Silver Sol".
..the BS detectors get tripped hard by page 30:
"We should always try to drink optimized water. "Optimized" means that one oxygen molecule is combined with two hydrogen molecules and can transfer energy readily. The problem is, that in tap water, for
every one oxygen molecule, there are usually 36 hydrogen
molecules clinging on and becoming free radicals once ingested."
..first of all..hydrogen is an atom..not a molecule.
Same goes for oxygen. H2O is two hydrogen ATOMS and an
Oxygen atom..not two hydrogen MOLECULES and an Oxygen
MOLECULE. One would think that someone with a Ph.D in Toxicology would know the difference..
and by what means does the tapwater "oxygen molecule" manage to link up with "36 hydrogen molecules" [sic]??
And why only tapwater?
Is he seriously suggesting that tapwater is actually H2O36?
...does anyone have a decoder ring for what he MIGHT be
trying to say? As it is..my level of confidence in whatever else he writes in the book just took a severe
...*puts miners helmet back on...continues to dig away at the endless piles of bs surrounding the glimmering
truth of silver.
" you load sixteen tons..whaddya' get?...."
[...tired...very tired..]