Agreed to all the above. Although I want to decrease my size to fit in all my pre pregnancy clothes for obvious economic reasons I know the mc is not gong to be what gives me that means to and end. It will come from ongoing healthy choices. I am hoping that the mc will give the mental clarity I so desperately want that the current food choices ie. sugars and carbs that are currently controlling me. I hope to accomplish a full three weeks to truly gain the benefits to a fast/cleanse. I have one health concern and that is of my asthma that has plagued me since infancy. Allergic to everything! I am excited to see what effect the mc has on the asthma as well as a more healthy lifestyle thereafter. I am working on getting my mind set to a place where I can imagine life without dairy and meat. Not sure if that is in my future but I am doing the research. Thanks for the above info Pepe!