Re: This is good advice
Hi Zoe,
You have a beautiful spirit that shines through your posts. Maybe we're kindred spirits.
I agree, a lot of credit goes to those brave souls who are bringing more and more of the truth to the public. If that's your calling, that's great! I guess that's one of the reasons I'm posting here; I want the truth to be known.
Thanks for your kind words of support. This journey I'm on takes a huge amount of discipline in every aspect of my life. I believe that changing oneself, raising one's own level of consciousness, will cause change in the world. It affects every aspect of our being, which in turn, affects other beings. One example is fasting ... but that would be for another forum.
It's all tied in though ... we yearn to live the natural life, we grieve for the death happening in the Gulf, we hope for world peace.
Thank you for all your sincere good wishes, and I send the same back to you,